natcap.invest.habitat_quality package


natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality module

InVEST Habitat Quality model

natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.check_projections(ds_uri_dict, proj_unit)

Check that a group of gdal datasets are projected and that they are projected in a certain unit.

ds_uri_dict - a dictionary of uris to gdal datasets proj_unit - a float that specifies what units the projection should be

System Message: ERROR/3 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.check_projections, line 6)

Unexpected indentation.
in. ex: 1.0 is meters.
returns - False if one of the datasets is not projected or not in the
correct projection type, otherwise returns True if datasets are properly projected

Habitat Quality.

Open files necessary for the portion of the habitat_quality model.

  • workspace_dir (string) – a uri to the directory that will write output and other temporary files during calculation (required)
  • landuse_cur_uri (string) – a uri to an input land use/land cover raster (required)
  • landuse_fut_uri (string) – a uri to an input land use/land cover raster (optional)
  • landuse_bas_uri (string) – a uri to an input land use/land cover raster (optional, but required for rarity calculations)
  • threat_folder (string) – a uri to the directory that will contain all threat rasters (required)
  • threats_uri (string) – a uri to an input CSV containing data of all the considered threats. Each row is a degradation source and each column a different attribute of the source with the following names: ‘THREAT’,’MAX_DIST’,’WEIGHT’ (required).
  • access_uri (string) – a uri to an input polygon shapefile containing data on the relative protection against threats (optional)
  • sensitivity_uri (string) – a uri to an input CSV file of LULC types, whether they are considered habitat, and their sensitivity to each threat (required)
  • half_saturation_constant (float) – a python float that determines the spread and central tendency of habitat quality scores (required)
  • suffix (string) – a python string that will be inserted into all raster uri paths just before the file extension.

Example Args Dictionary:

    'workspace_dir': 'path/to/workspace_dir',
    'landuse_cur_uri': 'path/to/landuse_cur_raster',
    'landuse_fut_uri': 'path/to/landuse_fut_raster',
    'landuse_bas_uri': 'path/to/landuse_bas_raster',
    'threat_raster_folder': 'path/to/threat_rasters/',
    'threats_uri': 'path/to/threats_csv',
    'access_uri': 'path/to/access_shapefile',
    'sensitivity_uri': 'path/to/sensitivity_csv',
    'half_saturation_constant': 0.5,
    'suffix': '_results',
natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.make_dictionary_from_csv(csv_uri, key_field)

Make a basic dictionary representing a CSV file, where the keys are a unique field from the CSV file and the values are a dictionary representing each row

csv_uri - a string for the path to the csv file key_field - a string representing which field is to be used

System Message: ERROR/3 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.make_dictionary_from_csv, line 7)

Unexpected indentation.
from the csv file as the key in the dictionary

returns - a python dictionary

natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.make_linear_decay_kernel_uri(max_distance, kernel_uri)
natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values(key_raster_uri, out_uri, attr_dict, field, out_nodata, raise_error)

Creates a new raster from ‘key_raster’ where the pixel values from ‘key_raster’ are the keys to a dictionary ‘attr_dict’. The values corresponding to those keys is what is written to the new raster. If a value from ‘key_raster’ does not appear as a key in ‘attr_dict’ then raise an Exception if ‘raise_error’ is True, otherwise return a ‘out_nodata’

key_raster_uri - a GDAL raster uri dataset whose pixel values relate to
the keys in ‘attr_dict’

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values, line 10)

Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

out_uri - a string for the output path of the created raster attr_dict - a dictionary representing a table of values we are interested

System Message: ERROR/3 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values, line 12)

Unexpected indentation.
in making into a raster

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values, line 13)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
field - a string of which field in the table or key in the dictionary
to use as the new raster pixel values

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values, line 15)

Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

out_nodata - a floating point value that is the nodata value. raise_error - a string that decides how to handle the case where the

System Message: ERROR/3 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values, line 17)

Unexpected indentation.
value from ‘key_raster’ is not found in ‘attr_dict’. If ‘raise_error’ is ‘values_required’, raise Exception, if ‘none’, return ‘out_nodata’
returns - a GDAL raster, or raises an Exception and fail if:
  1. raise_error is True and
  2. the value from ‘key_raster’ is not a key in ‘attr_dict’

Determine how many of each unique pixel lies in the dataset (dataset)

dataset_uri - a GDAL raster dataset

returns - a dictionary whose keys are the unique pixel values and
whose values are the number of occurrences
natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.resolve_ambiguous_raster_path(uri, raise_error=True)

Get the real uri for a raster when we don’t know the extension of how the raster may be represented.

uri - a python string of the file path that includes the name of the
file but not its extension
raise_error - a Boolean that indicates whether the function should
raise an error if a raster file could not be opened.

return - the resolved uri to the rasster

natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.threat_names_match(threat_dict, sens_dict, prefix)

Check that the threat names in the threat table match the columns in the sensitivity table that represent the sensitivity of each threat on a lulc.

threat_dict - a dictionary representing the threat table:
‘urb’:{‘THREAT’:’urb’,’MAX_DIST’:‘5.0’,’WEIGHT’:‘0.3’}, ... }
sens_dict - a dictionary representing the sensitivity table:
{‘1’:{‘LULC’:‘1’, ‘NAME’:’Residential’, ‘HABITAT’:‘1’,
‘L_crp’:‘0.4’, ‘L_urb’:‘0.45’...},

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.threat_names_match, line 12)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
‘11’:{‘LULC’:‘11’, ‘NAME’:’Urban’, ‘HABITAT’:‘1’,
‘L_crp’:‘0.6’, ‘L_urb’:‘0.3’...},

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of natcap.invest.habitat_quality.habitat_quality.threat_names_match, line 14)

Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


prefix - a string that specifies the prefix to the threat names that is
found in the sensitivity table
returns - False if there is a mismatch in threat names or True if
everything passes

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