
The Fisheries Habitat Scenarios Tool IO module contains functions for handling inputs and outputs


Fetches input arguments from the user, verifies for correctness and completeness, and returns a list of variables dictionaries


args (dictionary) – arguments from the user (same as Fisheries Preprocessor entry point)


dictionary containing necessary variables

Return type

vars_dict (dictionary)


ValueError – parameter mismatch between Population and Habitat CSV files

Example Returns:

vars_dict = {
    'workspace_dir': 'path/to/workspace_dir/',
    'output_dir': 'path/to/output_dir/',
    'sexsp': 2,
    'gamma': 0.5,

    # Pop Vars
    'population_csv_path': 'path/to/csv_path',
    'Surv_nat_xsa': np.array(
        [[[...], [...]], [[...], [...]], ...]),
    'Classes': np.array([...]),
    'Class_vectors': {
        'Vulnfishing': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Maturity': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Duration': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Weight': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Fecundity': np.array([...], [...]),
    'Regions': np.array([...]),
    'Region_vectors': {
        'Exploitationfraction': np.array([...]),
        'Larvaldispersal': np.array([...]),

    # Habitat Vars
    'habitat_chg_csv_path': 'path/to/csv',
    'habitat_dep_csv_path': 'path/to/csv',
    'Habitats': ['habitat1', 'habitat2', ...],
    'Hab_classes': ['class1', 'class2', ...],
    'Hab_regions': ['region1', 'region2', ...],
    'Hab_chg_hx': np.array(
        [[[...], [...]], [[...], [...]], ...]),
    'Hab_dep_ha': np.array(
        [[[...], [...]], [[...], [...]], ...]),
    'Hab_class_mvmt_a': np.array([...]),
    'Hab_dep_num_a': np.array([...]),

Parses and verifies a Habitat Change Parameters CSV file and returns a dictionary of information related to the interaction between a species and the given habitats.

Parses the Habitat Change Parameters CSV file for the following vectors:

  • Names of Habitats and Regions

  • Habitat Area Change


args (dictionary) – arguments from the user (same as Fisheries HST entry point)


dictionary containing necessary


Return type

habitat_chg_dict (dictionary)

  • MissingParameter – required parameter not included

  • ValueError – values are out of bounds or of wrong type

  • IndexError – likely a file formatting issue

Example Returns:

habitat_chg_dict = {
    'Habitats': ['habitat1', 'habitat2', ...],
    'Hab_regions': ['region1', 'region2', ...],
    'Hab_chg_hx': np.array(
        [[[...], [...]], [[...], [...]], ...]),

Parses and verifies a Habitat Dependency Parameters CSV file and returns a dictionary of information related to the interaction between a species and the given habitats.

Parses the Habitat Parameters CSV file for the following vectors:

  • Names of Habitats and Classes

  • Habitat-Class Dependency

The following vectors are derived from the information given in the file:

  • Classes where movement between habitats occurs

  • Number of habitats that a particular class depends upon


args (dictionary) – arguments from the user (same as Fisheries HST entry point)


dictionary containing necessary


Return type

habitat_dep_dict (dictionary)

  • MissingParameter - required parameter not included

  • ValueError - values are out of bounds or of wrong type

  • IndexError - likely a file formatting issue

Example Returns:

habitat_dep_dict = {
    'Habitats': ['habitat1', 'habitat2', ...],
    'Hab_classes': ['class1', 'class2', ...],
    'Hab_dep_ha': np.array(
        [[[...], [...]], [[...], [...]], ...]),
    'Hab_class_mvmt_a': np.array([...]),
    'Hab_dep_num_a': np.array([...]),

Parses and verifies a single Population Parameters CSV file

Parses and verifies inputs from the Population Parameters CSV file. If not all necessary vectors are included, the function will raise a MissingParameter exception. Survival matrix will be arranged by class-elements, 2nd dim: sex, and 3rd dim: region. Class vectors will be arranged by class-elements, 2nd dim: sex (depending on whether model is sex-specific) Region vectors will be arraged by region-elements, sex-agnostic.


args (dictionary) – arguments provided by user


dictionary containing verified population


Return type

pop_dict (dictionary)

  • MissingParameter – required parameter not included

  • ValueError – values are out of bounds or of wrong type

Example Returns:

pop_dict = {
    'population_csv_path': 'path/to/csv',
    'Surv_nat_xsa': np.array(
        [[...], [...]], [[...], [...]], ...),

    # Class Vectors
    'Classes': np.array([...]),
    'Class_vector_names': [...],
    'Class_vectors': {
        'Vulnfishing': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Maturity': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Duration': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Weight': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Fecundity': np.array([...], [...]),

    # Region Vectors
    'Regions': np.array([...]),
    'Region_vector_names': [...],
    'Region_vectors': {
        'Exploitationfraction': np.array([...]),
        'Larvaldispersal': np.array([...]),

Creates a new Population Parameters CSV file based the provided inputs.


vars_dict (dictionary) – variables generated by preprocessor arguments and run.

Example Args:

args = {
    'workspace_dir': 'path/to/workspace_dir/',
    'output_dir': 'path/to/output_dir/',
    'sexsp': 2,
    'population_csv_path': 'path/to/csv',  # original csv file
    'Surv_nat_xsa': np.ndarray([...]),
    'Surv_nat_xsa_mod': np.ndarray([...]),

    # Class Vectors
    'Classes': np.array([...]),
    'Class_vector_names': [...],
    'Class_vectors': {
        'Vulnfishing': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Maturity': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Duration': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Weight': np.array([...], [...]),
        'Fecundity': np.array([...], [...]),

    # Region Vectors
    'Regions': np.array([...]),
    'Region_vector_names': [...],
    'Region_vectors': {
        'Exploitationfraction': np.array([...]),
        'Larvaldispersal': np.array([...]),

    # other arguments are ignored ...


  • Creates a modified Population Parameters CSV file located in the ‘workspace/output/’ folder

  • Currently appends ‘_modified’ to original filename for new filename