
InVEST Habitat Quality model.


Habitat Quality.

This model calculates habitat degradation and quality for the current LULC as described in the InVEST user’s guide. Optionally execute calculates habitat degradation and quality for a future LULC and habitat rarity for current and future LULC.

  • args (dict) – a key, value mapping for the habitat quality inputs.

  • args['workspace_dir'] (string) – a path to the directory that will write output and other temporary files (required)

  • args['lulc_cur_path'] (string) – a path to an input land use/land cover raster (required)

  • args['lulc_fut_path'] (string) – a path to an input land use/land cover raster (optional)

  • args['lulc_bas_path'] (string) – a path to an input land use/land cover raster (optional, but required for rarity calculations)

  • args['threats_table_path'] (string) – a path to an input CSV containing data of all the considered threats. Each row is a degradation source and each column a different attribute of the source with the following names (case-insensitive): ‘THREAT’,’MAX_DIST’,’WEIGHT’, ‘DECAY’, ‘CUR_PATH’ (required) ‘BASE_PATH’, ‘FUT_PATH’ (optional).

  • args['access_vector_path'] (string) – a path to an input polygon shapefile containing data on the relative protection against threats (optional)

  • args['sensitivity_table_path'] (string) – a path to an input CSV file of LULC types, whether they are considered habitat, and their sensitivity to each threat (required)

  • args['half_saturation_constant'] (float) – a python float that determines the spread and central tendency of habitat quality scores (required)

  • args['results_suffix'] (string) – a python string that will be inserted into all raster path paths just before the file extension.

  • args['n_workers'] (int) – (optional) The number of worker processes to use for processing this model. If omitted, computation will take place in the current process.

