

Urban Nature Access.

  • args['workspace_dir'] (string) – (required) Output directory for intermediate, temporary and final files.

  • args['results_suffix'] (string) – (optional) String to append to any output file.

  • args['n_workers'] (int) – (optional) The number of worker processes to use for executing the tasks of this model. If omitted, computation will take place in the current process.

  • args['lulc_raster_path'] (string) – (required) A string path to a GDAL-compatible land-use/land-cover raster containing integer landcover codes. Must be linearly projected in meters.

  • args['lulc_attribute_table'] (string) –

    (required) A string path to a CSV with the following columns:

    • lucode: (required) the integer landcover code represented.

    • urban_nature: (required) a proportion (0-1) representing how much of this landcover type is urban nature. 0 indicates none of this type’s area is urban nature, 1 indicates all of this type’s area is urban nature.

    • search_radius_m: (conditionally required) the search radius for this urban nature LULC class in meters. Required for all urban nature LULC codes if args['search_radius_mode'] == RADIUS_OPT_URBAN_NATURE

  • args['population_raster_path'] (string) – (required) A string path to a GDAL-compatible raster where pixels represent the population of that pixel. Must be linearly projected in meters.

  • args['admin_boundaries_vector_path'] (string) – (required) A string path to a GDAL-compatible vector containing polygon areas of interest, typically administrative boundaries. If this vector has any fields with fieldnames beginning with "pop_", these will be treated as representing the proportion of the population within an admin unit belonging to the given population group. The name of the population group (everything other than a leading "pop_") must uniquely identify the group.

  • args['urban_nature_demand'] (number) – (required) A positive, nonzero number indicating the required urban_nature, in m² per capita.

  • args['decay_function'] (string) – (required) The selected kernel type. Must be one of the keys in KERNEL_TYPES.

  • args['search_radius_mode'] (string) – (required). The selected search radius mode. Must be one of RADIUS_OPT_UNIFORM, RADIUS_OPT_URBAN_NATURE, or RADIUS_OPT_POP_GROUP.

  • args['search_radius'] (number) – Required if args['search_radius_mode'] == RADIUS_OPT_UNIFORM. The search radius in meters to use in the analysis.

  • args['population_group_radii_table'] (string) – (optional) A table associating population groups with a search radius for that population group. Population group fieldnames must match population group fieldnames in the aoi vector.

  • args['aggregate_by_pop_group'] (bool) – Whether to aggregate statistics by population groups in the target vector. This is implied when running the model with args['search_radius_mode'] == RADIUS_OPT_POP_GROUP



natcap.invest.urban_nature_access.validate(args, limit_to=None)