InVEST Wind Energy model.
- natcap.invest.wind_energy.execute(args)
Wind Energy.
This module handles the execution of the wind energy model given the following dictionary:
- Parameters:
workspace_dir (str) – a path to the output workspace folder (required)
wind_data_path (str) – path to a CSV file with the following header [‘LONG’,’LATI’,’LAM’, ‘K’, ‘REF’]. Each following row is a location with at least the Longitude, Latitude, Scale (‘LAM’), Shape (‘K’), and reference height (‘REF’) at which the data was collected (required)
aoi_vector_path (str) – a path to an OGR polygon vector that is projected in linear units of meters. The polygon specifies the area of interest for the wind data points. If limiting the wind farm bins by distance, then the aoi should also cover a portion of the land polygon that is of interest (optional for biophysical and no distance masking, required for biophysical and distance masking, required for valuation)
bathymetry_path (str) – a path to a GDAL raster that has the depth values of the area of interest (required)
land_polygon_vector_path (str) – a path to an OGR polygon vector that provides a coastline for determining distances from wind farm bins. Enabled by AOI and required if wanting to mask by distances or run valuation
global_wind_parameters_path (str) – a float for the average distance in kilometers from a grid connection point to a land connection point (required for valuation if grid connection points are not provided)
results_suffix (str) – a str to append to the end of the output files (optional)
turbine_parameters_path (str) – a path to a CSV file that holds the turbines biophysical parameters as well as valuation parameters (required)
number_of_turbines (int) – an integer value for the number of machines for the wind farm (required for valuation)
min_depth (float) – a float value for the minimum depth for offshore wind farm installation (meters) (required)
max_depth (float) – a float value for the maximum depth for offshore wind farm installation (meters) (required)
min_distance (float) – a float value for the minimum distance from shore for offshore wind farm installation (meters) The land polygon must be selected for this input to be active (optional, required for valuation)
max_distance (float) – a float value for the maximum distance from shore for offshore wind farm installation (meters) The land polygon must be selected for this input to be active (optional, required for valuation)
valuation_container (boolean) – Indicates whether model includes valuation
foundation_cost (float) – a float representing how much the foundation will cost for the specific type of turbine (required for valuation)
discount_rate (float) – a float value for the discount rate (required for valuation)
grid_points_path (str) – a path to a CSV file that specifies the landing and grid point locations (optional)
avg_grid_distance (float) – a float for the average distance in kilometers from a grid connection point to a land connection point (required for valuation if grid connection points are not provided)
price_table (boolean) – a bool indicating whether to use the wind energy price table or not (required)
wind_schedule (str) – a path to a CSV file for the yearly prices of wind energy for the lifespan of the farm (required if ‘price_table’ is true)
wind_price (float) – a float for the wind energy price at year 0 (required if price_table is false)
rate_change (float) – a float as a percent for the annual rate of change in the price of wind energy. (required if price_table is false)
n_workers (int) – The number of worker processes to use for processing this model. If omitted, computation will take place in the current process. (optional)
- Returns: