
natcap.invest.ndr.ndr_core.ndr_eff_calculation(mfd_flow_direction_path, stream_path, retention_eff_lulc_path, crit_len_path, effective_retention_path)

Calculate flow downhill effective_retention to the channel.

  • mfd_flow_direction_path (string) – a path to a raster with pygeoprocessing.routing MFD flow direction values.

  • stream_path (string) – a path to a raster where 1 indicates a stream all other values ignored must be same dimensions and projection as mfd_flow_direction_path.

  • retention_eff_lulc_path (string) – a path to a raster indicating the maximum retention efficiency that the landcover on that pixel can accumulate.

  • crit_len_path (string) – a path to a raster indicating the critical length of the retention efficiency that the landcover on this pixel.

  • effective_retention_path (string) – path to a raster that is created by this call that contains a per-pixel effective sediment retention to the stream.

